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Forever Pink Hydrangeas: The Ultimate Guide To Growing And Caring For These Stunning Blooms

Forever Pink Hydrangeas: The Ultimate Guide to Growing and Caring for These Stunning Blooms

Hydrangeas are some of the most popular flowering shrubs in the world, and for good reason. They come in a wide variety of colors, sizes, and shapes, and they can be grown in a variety of climates. Forever Pink hydrangeas are a particularly stunning variety, with large, pink blooms that last for months.

If you're thinking about adding a Forever Pink hydrangea to your garden, here is everything you need to know about growing and caring for it.


Forever Pink hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla 'Forever Pink') are a type of mophead hydrangea. They are known for their large, pink blooms that last for months. Forever Pink hydrangeas are hardy in USDA zones 5-9, and they can be grown in full sun or partial shade.

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Choosing a Location

When choosing a location for your Forever Pink hydrangea, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Sunlight: Forever Pink hydrangeas can be grown in full sun or partial shade. However, they will produce the most blooms in full sun.
  • Soil: Forever Pink hydrangeas prefer rich, loamy soil. The soil should also be well-drained.
  • Water: Forever Pink hydrangeas need regular watering, especially during the summer months.


Once you have chosen a location for your Forever Pink hydrangea, it is time to plant it. Here are the steps involved in planting a Forever Pink hydrangea:

  1. Dig a hole that is twice as wide and as deep as the root ball of the hydrangea.
  2. Amend the soil with compost or other organic matter.
  3. Place the hydrangea in the hole and backfill with soil.
  4. Water the hydrangea well.

Pests and Diseases

Forever Pink hydrangeas are relatively pest- and disease-free. However, they can be susceptible to aphids, scale, and powdery mildew. If you see any pests or diseases on your hydrangea, treat them immediately with an appropriate pesticide or fungicide.


Forever Pink hydrangeas should be fertilized twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. Use a balanced fertilizer, such as 10-10-10.


Forever Pink hydrangeas should be pruned in the fall after the blooms have faded. Prune the hydrangea by cutting back the stems to about 6 inches. This will encourage new growth and blooms the following year.


In colder climates, Forever Pink hydrangeas may need to be protected from the cold in the winter. To overwinter your hydrangea, mulch the soil around the plant with a few inches of organic matter. You may also need to cover the plant with a burlap sack or other protective covering.


With proper care, Forever Pink hydrangeas will thrive in your garden for many years. These stunning shrubs will add a touch of elegance and beauty to any landscape.

If you're looking for a beautiful and easy-care hydrangea, the forever pink hydrangea is a great option. These stunning flowers bloom in a vibrant pink color that will brighten up any garden. They are also relatively low-maintenance, requiring only regular watering and fertilizing.

To learn more about forever pink hydrangeas, I recommend visiting . This website has a wealth of information on the plant, including its history, care requirements, and pest and disease resistance. You can also find photos and videos of the flowers in bloom.

FAQ of forever pink hydrangea

Question 1: What is a Forever Pink hydrangea?

Answer: A Forever Pink hydrangea is a type of hydrangea that produces pink flowers. It is a reblooming variety, which means that it will flower twice in one season. Forever Pink hydrangeas are relatively easy to care for and are a popular choice for home gardens.

Question 2: How do I care for a Forever Pink hydrangea?

Answer: Forever Pink hydrangeas prefer full to partial shade and well-drained soil. They should be watered regularly, especially during the hot summer months. To keep the flowers pink, it is important to maintain a slightly alkaline soil pH. You can do this by adding wood ashes or limestone to the soil.

Question 3: How do I keep my Forever Pink hydrangeas pink?

Answer: The color of Forever Pink hydrangeas is affected by the soil pH. In acidic soils, the flowers will be blue. In alkaline soils, the flowers will be pink. To keep your Forever Pink hydrangeas pink, you need to maintain a slightly alkaline soil pH. You can do this by adding wood ashes or limestone to the soil.

Question 4: What are some common problems with Forever Pink hydrangeas?

Answer: Some common problems with Forever Pink hydrangeas include leaf spot, powdery mildew, and aphids. Leaf spot is a fungal disease that causes brown spots on the leaves. Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that causes a white powdery coating on the leaves. Aphids are small insects that suck the sap from the leaves.

Question 5: How do I prevent problems with my Forever Pink hydrangeas?

Answer: You can prevent problems with your Forever Pink hydrangeas by following good cultural practices. This includes watering regularly, fertilizing in the spring, and deadheading spent flowers. You should also inspect your plants regularly for signs of pests or diseases.

Image of forever pink hydrangea

5 different images of "forever pink hydrangea" from Pinterest:

  • Image 1: A close-up of a single forever pink hydrangea flower, showing its delicate petals and deep pink color.
  • Image 2: A full bouquet of forever pink hydrangeas, arranged in a vase. The flowers are a beautiful shade of pink, and they add a touch of elegance to any room.
  • Image 3: A garden full of forever pink hydrangeas. The flowers are in full bloom, and they create a stunning display of color.
  • Image 4: A close-up of the leaves of a forever pink hydrangea. The leaves are a deep green color, and they provide a beautiful contrast to the pink flowers.
  • Image 5: A seedling of a forever pink hydrangea. The seedling is a healthy green color, and it is a promising start to a beautiful plant.

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